Saturday, September 18, 2021

Link to a video of the Zoom presentation by Dr. James Kimble on September 16th, 2021:

Fall 2021-Spring 2022 Schedule

  Our list of speakers for the season should be as follows:

 Our list of speakers for the 2021-2022 season should be as follows:
*September 15th- Dr. Jim Kimble-"Uniting the Home Front in WWII: The Magazine Industry, the US Flag,   and  the United We Stand Campaign”
*October- 20th: Dr. Wendy Lower -"Hitler's Furies"
*November-TBD: James Calaski- "The Nazi Spies of Glen Rock"
*December 1 -Ray Boonhower: "War Diarist: The Many Battles of Richard Tregaskis"
*January-TBD- Dr. Steve Lomazow-"New Revelations in the Health of Franklin Delano Roosevelt."
*February 16th - Marcus Nannini- "The Capture of the Nazi Who Put Adolph Hitler into Power"
*March 9 -Michael Tougias: "So Close to Home"
April 6, 2022: Bernice Lerner: "All the Horrors of War: A Jewish Girl, a British Doctor, and the Liberation of Bergen-Belsen"
May4th, 2022: Randall Bytwerk-TBD